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Nuu-Chah-Nulth Language Videos

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Working Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases to describe our jobs and work days.

"Going for a Drive" Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases to describe a car trip to the store.

tiičiił | Making Tea

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for making tea and coffee to share with a friend.

Smokehouse Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for telling stories about the smokehouse.

Fishing Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing a fishing trip.

Shopping Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing a trip to the grocery store.

"On a Walk" Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing a walk on the land.

Yard Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing what we see in the yard.

Washroom Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases getting washed up before bedtime.

Bathroom Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for bathroom routines and getting ready before bedtime.

Laundry Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing articles of clothing and laundry routines.

Health Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases describing our health and illnesses.

Kitchen Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for preparing a feast.

Living Room Vocabulary

This vocabulary video shares nuučaan̓uł words and phrases for describing the living room.


This conversation in nuučaan̓uł between Henry Kammler and Bob Mundy shares memories of Bob's pet cat, mootʕis.

quuquuʔaca: "What We Need to Make Strong"

This speech from Willy Sport to the students of huuʕayʔaht (ḥaaḥuupay̓ak) School is one of the first recordings of fluent nuučaan̓uł.

čay̓ax | Picking Berries

This vocabulary video features ʔamaawatuʔa Bob Mundy speaking about picking berries with his mother as a child.

Traditional Moons of the West Coast

Let’s practice nuučaan̓uł names for the year’s moons by re-ordering a calendar, planning a year of activities, and describing our favourite moon.

xʷaašxʷiipšiƛ | She Turned into a Blue Jay

This storybook video helps us practice nuučaan̓uł words about family and nature.

quʔušinm̓it ʔuḥʔiš paašḥuk | Raven and His Wife

This storybook video helps us practice nuučaan̓uł words about Raven and the smokehouse.

waasiḥa Oliver | Where Is Oliver?

This storybook video helps us practice nuučaan̓uł vocabulary for places and people.

qʷiy̓iḥtaqakiič ƛ̓iniiḥak | How the Rainbow Was Made

This storybook video helps us practice names for days of the week and fruit in nuučaan̓uł

ʔaaqinʔaƛḥa hitaas | How's the Weather?

This storybook video helps us practice how to talk about the weather in nuučaan̓uł.

hukseeʔi ʔuukʷił ʔuuqḥiim̓inḥʔi saštup | Counting Funny Animals

This storybook video helps us practice how to say numbers 1 to 10 in nuučaan̓uł.