More and more language learning videos are being added to YouTube to help you on your journey. So many talented and dedicated people want to help “bring back the language.” We will collect and add all that we can find.
Collected from YouTube

The Environment – Language Lesson with Linda Watts
This lesson by the late Linda Watts from Tseshaht First Nation is on the environment. Use it to practice the Nuu-Chah-Nulth language (Barkley dialect). Listen and speak along with the teacher.

Emotions – Language Lesson with Linda Watts
Watch the lesson and practise along—the lesson repeats. Keep watching as many times as you need. Practice as much as you need. Try using the words every day. Find an Elder or person who knows the language.

Opposites – Language Lesson with Linda Watts
The late Linda Watts is teaching a Nuu-Chah-Nulth language lesson on opposites.
Practice along with and repeat the words.

Future, Past, and Present – Language Lesson with Linda Watts
Follow this Nuu-Chah-Nulth language lesson to learn the suffix ending that changes when you use a word in the future, past or present tense. Follow along with language teacher Linda Watts and practice your pronunciation.

Action Words – Language Lesson with Linda Watts
Follow along with the late Linda Watts from Tseshaht First Nations to learn Nuu-Chah-Nulth action words. Practice along with the words you hear.

Food – Language Lesson with Linda Watts and Lena Ross
Follow the late Linda Watts and teacher Lena Ross as they share a language lesson about food.

Family Members – Language Lesson with Lena Ross and Linda Watts
Learn how to say the names of family members with teachers Lena Ross and Linda Watts. Follow the teachers and repeat after each word is said. Then try it yourself. Each time you watch, try to focus on something different. For example, watch the teacher, then watch again, but focus on the letters. Have fun learning!

Domestic and Wild Animals – Language Lesson with Lena Ross and Linda Watts
Learn how to say the names of domestic and wild animals in Nuu-Chah-Nulth with teachers Lena Ross and Linda Watts. Follow the teachers and repeat after each word is said. Each time you watch, try to focus on something different. For example, watch the teacher, then watch again, but focus on the letters. Have fun learning!

Colours – Language Lesson with Lena Ross and Linda Watts
Teachers Lena Ross and the late Linda Watts provide a Nuu-Chah-Nulth language lesson on colours.
Follow along to learn.

Weather – Language Lesson with Lena Ross and Linda Watts
Learn how to say the weather in Nuu-Chah-Nulth with teachers Lena Ross and Linda Watts. Follow the teachers and repeat after each word is said. Each time you watch, try to focus on something different. For example, watch the teacher, then watch again, but focus on the letters. Have fun learning!

Introductions and Greetings – Language Lesson with Lena Ross and Linda Watts
Learn how to introduce and greet others in Nuu-Chah-Nulth with teachers Lena Ross and Linda Watts. Follow the teachers and repeat after each word is said. Then try it yourself. Each time you watch, try to focus on something different. For example, watch the teacher, then watch again, but focus on the letters. Have fun learning!

Counting to 10 in Nuu-Chah-Nulth

Nuu-Chah-Nulth Verbs – Language Lesson